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Detail properties...
- Title: Exterior wall at floor
- Subject: WD-Wood Details
- Author: Axiom Solutions, LLC - Copyright © 2004-2010
- Keywords: Wood floors & wood walls, Floors [TJI's] - 2x6 wood walls
- Comments: Version: V1.1 - Scale: 3/4"=1'-0" Example Detail
Format availability:
- Format available for Structural Details: jpg, swf, pdf, dwf, dxf, dwg, and i-drop
- Format available for Structural Blocks: jpg, dwf, dwg, and i-drop
JPG format: Good resolution. Opens in any image program. You can print and mark up.
SWF format: High resolution. Opens in Internet Explorer. Right click to print, zoom in and out. Your can print and mark up.
PDF format: High resolution. Opens in adobe reader. You can zoom in and out. You can print and mark up.
DWF format: High resolution. Opens in AutoCad DWF Viewer. You can zoom in and out. You can print and mark up.
DXF format: High resolution. Opens in nearly all types of CAD software. Editable layers, colors and linetypes.
DWG format: High resolution. Opens in AutoCAD/AutoCAD LT 2000 and up. 100% editable layers, colors and linetypes.
i-DROP function: Drag and drop function for AutoCAD dwg format.
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